World Yoga Federation

TIME Meditation for World Peace

Meditation Alliance International

Live recording with Swami Vidyanand on 18th September, 2021.

  • Camille Gicquel: 0 to 7:57 | Introduction to TIME Meditation and the session
  • Swami Vidyanand: 7:50 to 38:00World Peace, TIME Meditation, Chakras, Mooladhara and Sahasrara, traditional systems and beyond, modern interpretation of the vedas, Upanishads and other texts in the light of this new and revolutionary system + much much more....
  • Meditation Practice with Swami Vidyanand: 38:00 to 54:00
  • Invocation of the Divine Mother with Music: 54:00 to 59:20 | with Disha & Utkarsh

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